Smoothie cake without sugar

15 Min.
222 kcal
SteviaSweet Crystal

A smoothie in cake form – with sugar-free muesli, apple sauce, strawberry, banana and coconut milk. A deliciously fruity dessert!

Nutritional information per portion

Saved sugar calories

Preparation without sugar


  1. Line the base of a springform tin (20 cm) with baking paper. Coat the sides with a little oil to make the cake easier to remove from the tin.
  2. Blitz the muesli in a food processor, place in a bowl and mix in the apple sauce and SteviaSweet Crystal. Place the mixture on the base of the tin and press down.
  3. Soak the gelatine leaves in cold water. Place the strawberries, bananas, SteviaSweet Crystal in the bowl of the food processor. Add 3/4 of the coconut cream and blend until smooth. Squeeze the softened gelatine sheets well and add to the remaining coconut cream. Heat the mixture in a microwave or pan until the gelatine leaves are completely melted. Add the mixture to the smoothie mixture in the food processor and then pour into the tin. Leave to set in the refrigerator for about 4-5 hours.
  4. Carefully remove the cake from the tin and lift onto a serving plate. Decorate with strawberries and mint leaves.

Ingredients for 8 servings

For the base

150 g sugar-free muesli
100 g apple sauce
0.5 tbsp SteviaSweet Crystal

For the smoothie filling

15 g leaf gelatine
500 g strawberries
3 bananas
25 g SteviaSweet Crystal
1/2 tsü ground vanilla
200 ml coconut cream

To serve

200 g strawberries